In honor of this most amazing of holidays (well, if you’re an author, it’s most amazing!) let’s talk books! Who is YOUR favorite author? Just to take the pressure off, even if it’s true(!) do NOT say me! We all have favorites–people who wrote books that changed our lives. Or our outlook on life. Authors who made us laugh when we really needed to, or transported us to another time and place so we could forget–for awhile–the difficulties in our own. We read for any number of reasons.
If you’re like me, choosing one such person is super hard. To make it easier–just choose ONE of your favorites. Share with us in the comments and tell us why you love this author so much. It doesn’t have to be long. Just a sentence or two. I’ll do a drawing in the next few days and the winner will receive his/her choice of the Kindle version of either of my books. If you’ve already got my books? Hmm. We’ll talk!
Seriously, I’d love to hear about your favorite authors. Jump right in and let us know!
My favorite author is Nora Roberts.
I used to read Nora Roberts ALL the time. That lady can write! But you know, I read one of her really early books–a Harlequin Romance–and it just wasn’t that great. My point being–even Nora Roberts started out slow! Maybe there’s still hope for me!
Amanda Dykes is a favorite author. Astounding imagination linked with stories that seem to coil comfortably inside my heart and purr with a lingering vibration.
Love it, Carol! Your description makes me want to run out and buy one of her books right now. Do you have one in particular you’d recommend for a first-time reader?
Good grief, I’m just going through and cleaning out emails. Ran across the email that linked to this post. I couldn’t remember if I had even shared a favorite author. I wonder if your newsletter comments allow options to receive new comments via email. That would have alerted me to know you even asked the question. Anyway, I’ve appreciated each of her books. I LOVED Set the Stars Alight. And, I am currently reading her newest, All The Lost Places and LOVING it. I listened to Set the Stars Alight on audio and really enjoyed it. Reading the paper of her latest, but have it on Kindle, too. I’m planning to go through the Kindle and highlight a ton of wonderful pages and passages. I read Yours Is the Night in paper, but it’s on hold to listen on audio because I saw one of her posts that several top notch narrators were used to narrate it; made me want to go back and enjoy the book again via audio. Mind you, it’s a very rare action for me to “read” a book twice. There’s just too many on my list to enjoy.
So glad I’m not the only one to lose things! With me, it’s totally “out of sight, out of mind.” {Sigh} You know Amanda Dykes is our keynote speaker for OCW’s Summer Conference, right? This is exciting! As far as the technology of this site goes, this message was originally sent as a blog post–and lasts forever on the website, so comments can be read and reread later. The other mailing I send out is the newsletter and responses to that only go to ME, so no one else sees them. Kinda weird. I’m still trying to work my way through it all.
Melanie Dobson – her time-slip historical fiction books are always intriguing and well-written! And I’ve enjoyed her biblical fiction – also engaging.
Yes! We all love Melanie! (Speaking as one of her critique partners, I feel a particular pride, though I’m pretty sure she was great before I got involved!)
Thanks, ladies, for your comments on favorite authors. The winner of the drawing is Carol! I’ll contact you privately for your choice of prizes.