Award-Winning Medieval Fantasy Author, Dawn Shipman, knew she wanted to be a writer since Mrs. Juell’s 10th grade Creative Writing class. She is an author with Elk Lake Publishing in Massachusetts.
Dawn lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband and a revolving band of lively fur kids—dogs, cats, and horses. She loves reading, writing, horseback riding, and traveling. Contact her here.
The Lion of Judah in Never-Never Land
I am a writer of fantasy. If you ask any fantasy writer to list the authors who have most influenced them, the names C.S. Lewis [...]
He Didn’t Know He Was a Wizard…
It's been more than twenty years since the skinny kid with the round glasses, brilliant green eyes, and the odd, lightning-shaped scar burst onto the [...]
The Next Step
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA The difficulty with writing a book--one of the many difficulties--is that once you begin one, you must keep going. And eventually, you [...]