When I was young—probably younger than you are now—I discovered books. And what a discovery it was! I rode The Black Stallion with Alec Ramsay, I hoped Buck would survive those terrible Alaskan winters in The Call of the Wild, and I cried real tears when Beth got so sick in Little Women. Books took me to strange and wonderful places, introduced me to people I wished I could be friends with, and led me on adventures I’d never have in my real life.
You, too?
Somewhere during my early journeys with books, I realized I wanted to write my own stories. I wanted to create worlds and populate them with heroines and heroes who would defeat dragons (real and imagined), save the innocent, and win the great race—even if it meant collapsing once they crossed the finish line.
And finally—I’ve done it! It’s been so fun creating the world of Argonia and getting to know Lyric, Marek, Becca, and the others. I hope you enjoy reading their stories as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them.

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